Faith Church’s Children’s Ministries
Our Children’s Ministry is committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and fun environment where all children, from newborns to sixth grade, can learn about and experience the rich mercy of God in Jesus. Our desire for each child is that through our ministries and volunteers they will know and encounter the mercy of God as they learn from His true Word, are discipled by volunteers, and grow in relationship with other children.
“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
Questions? Contact Anna Bird.
Our Ministries for Children
Our nursery is available for children ages 0-3 in rooms 111 and 110 during our 9:00 Contemporary Service. We also have the nursery available during 10:15 Sunday School for ages 0-1 . All nursery caregivers are screened and provide a loving, safe, and clean environment for children.
Junior Church
Junior Church is available for children ages 4 through 3rd grade during the 9:00 Contemporary Service. Children are dismissed before the sermon to head to the preschool foyer for drop-off. During Jr. Church, kids learn Bible stories that teach how and why we worship God.
Sunday School
Sunday School classes are available for children starting at age 2 and continuing through to 6th grade. Trained Sunday School teachers use curriculum from Great Commission Publications to show children how the whole Bible points to Jesus. Children are divided into classes based on age and grade:
- 2s & 3s (Young Learners) - Room 110
- Pre-K to Kindergarten - Room 106
- 1st-2nd Grade - Room 109
- 3rd-4th Grade - Room 207
- 5th-6th Grade - Room 208
Faith Kids Club
Faith Kids Club is a weekly program held every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00 during the school year. Children age 4 years old through 6th grade rotate through four stations: Bible, crafts, games, and small group. Children are in age-based groups with adult and student helpers from our youth group.
Community Events
Community Easter Egg Hunt (Saturday morning before Easter)
Join us on the Saturday before Easter for an Easter egg hunt and other fun activities!
Vacation Bible School (VBS) (Last full week in June)
At Vacation Bible School, kids are divided into groups with others their age to sing fun VBS songs, experience high-energy games, listen to engaging Bible stories, make fun crafts, and learn how to apply God's Word to their lives. It's a week of fun that you won't want to miss! - And it's all FREE!
Fall Fest (Last Friday in October)
Join us on the last Friday in October for a bounce house, free food, carnival games, and lots more fun fall activities!
Family Christmas Celebration
In December before Christmas, we gather kids and their families together to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Families can enjoy free food, a short Christmas program, and other fun Christmas activities!
Plan Your Visit
Plan your visit by reviewing our Sunday Morning Check-In Procedures.
Sunday Morning Check-In Procedures
Children's Ministry Email Updates
Sign up to receive regular emails & important updates.
Child Protection Policies & Procedures
At Faith Presbyterian Church we prioritize creating a safe environment for all children. Therefore, we have policies and procedures in place that require background checks, reference checks, and interviews for all children's ministry volunteers and staff.