What we all need most is the message of the Gospel.
The world is broken and needs to be fixed. And so, we gather to celebrate Jesus and His message of restoration, forgiveness, and reconciliation. We invite you to join us as we proclaim this hope in our community. Whether you are a skeptic, a curious inquirer, or a believer in Jesus, you will find us a place to ask honest questions, hear the truth, and build relationships. It is a place where you can worship, learn, and find community. Faith Church began in 1936 with a rich history of Bible-based teaching. Look around as much as you want; but, the best way to get to know us is to come and visit. We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00am for our contemporary worship service and at 11:15am for our traditional worship service. We are a Bible-believing church that recognizes the Bible as the inerrant word of God and we know that He has provided the framework for daily living, meant to happen in community with one another. Scroll down to learn more. Contact us to ask questions. Join us to check it out for yourself.
Rev. Kevin Koslowsky, Senior Pastor
Faith church exists to worship God and proclaim the message of eternal life, radical transformation, and unspeakable joy through Jesus Christ.
We desire to be a place where the skeptic, the inquirer and the committed follower of Jesus can feel welcomed and comfortable asking honest questions that receive clear and Biblical answers. We do this by providing opportunities to worship God, continually learning what it means to follow Jesus, build relationships with others, and serve each other and our community. We believe there are 3 key elements for our spiritual growth and we build our programs around them. There are many meaningful and fulfilling events and programs here at Faith Church, but if you are looking for the foundation, we’d point you here:

Our weekly corporate gatherings are on Sunday mornings with rich theology, musical excellence, and Gospel-centered preaching.
9:00am and 11:15am on Sundays
At Faith Church, we worship together...

Intentional and systematic learning about the Bible, it's teachings, and its application for life -- for adults and children.
10:15am on Sundays
At Faith Church, we learn together...

Small groups where we apply the Gospel to our daily lives and care for one another's spiritual needs.
Find a group today
At Faith Church, we live life together...
Explore our ministries and find YOUR place here. We have something for everyone.
Do you have questions about God and life? If you could ask God one question and know it would be answered...
Twice a year, we offer a seven-week introduction to how Christianity addresses the big question of life. It happens on Wednesday evenings, children’s programming is provided and it’s completely free.