In-person worship

Livestream on YouTube

Our worship services meet at 9:00 am Contemporary and 11:15 am Traditional. In-person 10:15 am Sunday School meets between these two services. Our 9:00 service and Sunday School hour include childcare. Children are invited to remain with their families for the 11:15 service.

Weekly Bulletins & Worship Resources:
December 22 - Contemporary Worship Bulletin for 9:00 am in-person worship (& livestream)
December 22 - Traditional Worship Bulletin for 11:15 am in-person worship (& livestream)
December 24 - Christmas Eve Bulletin for 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm in-person worship (& 5PM livestream)
Children's Worship Bulletin
Online giving -

Livestream Worship
Visit our YouTube page for a live video feed of our Sunday worship services

View Previous Worship Services:
View previous worship services at
Subscribe to our podcast for sermon audio.  We can also be heard on WDEL 101.7 FM and 1150 AM on Sundays at 9:30 am

COVID-19 Update: restrictions removed for all church ministries

March 8, 2022 update - Following the updated CDC guidelines, the governor's updated requirements, and the local school district, masks are optional in all ministries, including children's ministries. Those who prefer to continue to wear masks are invited to do so, but masks are not required for any participants or volunteers. All previous regulations have been removed.