Service & Volunteer Opportunities
We are the church. Each one of us is part of the body of Christ and part of the family of the church we attend. We don't simply come to church to get and gain from others; we come, because we have been given in abundance by Christ, to give, contribute, and fellowship with a family of believers. God gives us gifts and we are to use them for His honor and glory. Find where you belong and use your passions to help God's church.
We are called to serve, not to be served.
Nursery Volunteers *
Watching our Infants & Toddlers during our 9:00am and 11:15am Worship Services.
Contact: Melissa Duggan
Sunday First Impressions Teams
Welcoming newcomers, answering questions, helping visitors find their way, and ushering.
Coordinated by deacon: Rob Shoop
Sound *
Running the sound board for worship services. (and live-stream at 11:15am). Training provided.
A/V Coordinator: Jay Hettler
Slides & Live-stream
Running song slides & live-stream during the 9:00am worship service. Training provided.
Coordinator: Christie Negley
Community Group & Sunday School Teachers
Teachers are approved by our Session, but if you have a passion to teach, we'd love to engage with you and set the course toward using your gifts and passions. Please contact a pastor.
Faith Explored Support
Setup, Meal Prep, Clean up, & Table Leaders.
Coordinator: Kevin Koslowsky
Event Planning
As needed.
Contact: Kevin Koslowsky
Children's Ministries *
Jr. Church, Sunday School, VBS, & Kids Club.
Contact: Melissa Duggan
Youth Group
Assist in games, gathering, teaching, and mentoring students.
Youth Pastor: Mike Yurik
Choir / Special Music *
For 11:15am traditional worship service & holiday concerts.
Traditional Music Director: Christopher Kraus
Choir Director: David Giardiniere
Faith Worship Praise Team
For 9:00am contemporary worship service.
Contemporary Music Director: John Giardiniere
Bring A Meal
During injuries, births, & difficult times, bring a meal to a family to help them through.
Coordinated by our deaconesses
Hospitality & Visitation
Coordinated by our deaconesses
Take photos during church events for social media.
Coordinator: Kevin Koslowsky
Video Recording & Editing
Record testimonies & other video editing production and planning.
Coordinator: Kevin Koslowsky
Office Support
Assist with large mailings and other office-related activities.
Contact the Church Administrator: Christie Negley
* While all areas can use more volunteers, these are areas with a current need for help.